Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. This site was created for all cartoon, hentai, 3d xxx comics fans all over the world. To order a copy for £14.44 go to or call 03. My Brother’s Husband by Gengoroh Tagame is published by Little Brown (£16.99). If Yaichi envies anything about Mike, it’s his unnerving openness, the sound of his thoughts filling up every room like dazzling sunlight through suddenly opened blinds. Enjoy fresh daily updates from our team and surf over our categories to get all of your fantasies realize. The pain, he suggests, cuts both ways, for while Ryoji found the freedom to express his feelings in another country, all that was left to his brother was shyness, silence and stoicism. The Rock Cocks The cummoner Welcome to Eggporncomics This site was created for all cartoon, hentai, 3d xxx comics fans all over the world. Gay life remains largely closeted in Japan, and Tagame’s complex but deftly told story – this is volume one a sequel is forthcoming – seeks to examine the effect such secrecy has not only those who must live it, but also on their wider family relationships. I Always Had A Crush On You- Brothers Confess To Each Other. Not only is it very touching it’s also, for the non-Japanese reader, unexpectedly fascinating. A story about a family of witches who get their power from the semen of the. My Brother’s Husband is the work of Gengoroh Tagame, the award-winning manga artist whose cartoons have been translated into several languages, and it arrives in the UK garlanded with praise from, among others, Alison Bechdel. A 3D porn comic created from images from the porn game Big Brother by Sandlust.